Welcome! We are excited to host you in your upcoming live class session. You have the capability to join your live class session through the calendar invitation you received.
- Confirm that you have successfully Set Up Your Hone Account.
- Confirm that you are enrolled in an upcoming live class session. (If you are having trouble enrolling in a live class session, please review the How to Enroll in Class article).
1. Navigate to your calendar invitation.
2. Select the ‘Navigate to platform to join class’ option (If you are logged in, proceed to Step 3, if you are not logged in proceed to Step 4).
3.Select the ‘Join class’ option
- The ‘Join class’ icon will be highighted pink ≤ 5 minutes before the class start time
4. Select the ‘Join class’ option
- The ‘Join class’ icon will be highlighted pink ≤ 5 minutes before the class start time
Please email us anytime at support@honehq.com if you need any more help.
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