Email Template for Assessment to Nominees

  • Updated

Below is an email template about the Impact Survey to send to your colleague/direct report.

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From: Learner participating in Hone program

To: Learners’ selected direct reports and/or colleagues

Subject: An opportunity to share your feedback


Hello [Name],

As you know, at [company name] we’re invested in our people’s growth and development. As such, I’ve recently participated in a program with Hone to further develop my leadership and management skills. To help me assess my growth since taking part in the program, I’ve nominated you to provide feedback confidentially.

In the next few days, you will be receiving an email from Hone ( prompting you to complete the Impact Survey, which should take 5 minutes. Participation in the Assessment is an opportunity to have your voice heard confidentially. Your responses will be aggregated into a private growth report which is shared only with me. Your name will not be attached to the report. The Survey report is not a performance evaluation tool; rather, I will use the information in the report to further my development as your manager.

Thank you for taking the time to provide valuable feedback on my growth as a leader. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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