How to Join Class Through Your Browser (Microsoft Teams)

  • Updated

Welcome! We are excited about your upcoming Hone class. Below you will find instructions on how to join your Hone class through the browser with Microsoft Teams.


Please note: To join the class through your browser, you must be signed in to your Microsoft Teams account on the same browser page you are attempting to join from.

  • Confirm that you have successfully Set Up Your Hone Account.
  • Confirm that you are enrolled in an upcoming live class session. (If you are having trouble enrolling in a live class session, please review the How to Enroll in Class article).

Please locate the 'Join Class' icon, either in your calendar invitation or the Hone platform. Here are two articles with instructions on:


1. Select 'Join Class' in the calendar invitation or the platform.

2. Select 'Continue on this browser'.

Screen Shot 2023-11-30 at 2.26.15 PM.png

3. Confirm your camera setting is desired (On or Off).

4. Confirm your audio settings are desired.

5. Select 'Join Now'.

Screen Shot 2023-11-30 at 2.15.23 PM.png


Please email us anytime at if you need any more help. 

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